Santiago de Compostela Tour with visit to Valença Fortress

Santiago De Compostela Tour from Porto - Living Tours


Discover one of the largest pilgrimage sites in the world, Santiago de Compostela, and its sacred route, St James way.

Let yourself be captivated by Santiago de Compostela Historic Centre and its majestic Cathedral.

Have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious tapas lunch at a traditional restaurant (optional) in the old town of Santiago de Compostela

On your way back to Portugal, discover Valença do Minho, surrounded by a magnificent fortress of two towers and a double great wall projected in Vauban style. 

Book your tour now!

You can also book this tour in private

On this tour, for each traveller we carry, Living Tours donates a meal. Know more at our Social Causes

      10 hours

Explore Santiago de Compostela and Valença do Minho, two cities full of History. Two countries in one day!

Discover the importance of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and the sacred St James way, visited by pilgrims for centuries.

Appreciate the historic old town of Santiago de Compostela, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Have free time for the Pilgrim Mass (optional) and to see the Bota Fumeiro (Smoke Expeller).

Know the famous Valença’s Fortress, in Vauban style.

Key details


Portuguese, English, Spanish, or French


10 hours 


Daily, at 7.45 am


Living Tours Office: Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, Nº 352

Full description

Cross the border between Portugal and Spain to reach the city of Santiago de Compostela.

Get to know one of the most famous pilgrimage routes in the world for centuries: the sacred St James way. Created as an affirmation of the Catholic faith and devotion, this road connects several points of Europe in Spain. An amazing network serving pilgrimage to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, in Galicia. 

Finally, we can appreciate the stunning Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela - the ultimate goal! - for many pilgrims from all over the world. In RomanesqueGothicBaroque architectural styles, this Cathedral is a true landmark, not only in Galicia but also in Spain. 

After, this stop, it is time to appreciate a delicious tapas lunch at a traditional restaurant (optional) in the old town of Santiago de Compostela. This typical neighbourhood, full of history and traditions is considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

You have just lived a great experience in Santiago. Now say goodbye to Spain, and come back to Portugal: there are still many sites to discover on this full-day tour!

We will go towards Valença do Minho, an iconic city in the North of Portugal of a singular and respected work of art: the Heart of Viana, in Portuguese filigree. This "Coração de Viana", in Portuguese, is the true medal of Portugal and has a strong importance in the Minho Region. A golden heart that will amaze you. 

Find out the biggest tourist attraction in the city: The Fortress, built to protect the village from the Spanish attacks. A stunning medieval structure with two strong towers and a double great wall projected in the Vauban Style, a military architect. You will have enough time to explore the incredible Fortress before you safely return to Porto. Take as many pictures as you wish and save this tour forever in your mind!

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  • Expert guide
  • Transportation in a comfortable small-group minibus
  • Amazing tapas lunch - only when selected
  • Free time for the Pilgrim Mass (optional) and to see the Bota Fumeiro (Smoke Expeller)
  • Visit to Valença Fortress
  • Porto City Walking Tour (can be done after your experience)


Hotel pick up and drop off

  • Other meals and drinks.
  • Personal expenses.
  • Gratuities (optional).

Cancelation rules

Additional info

Nearest town

Nearest Airport


I participated in a one-day tour from Porto to Santiago de Compostela on April 27, 2024. There were 7 participants, including 5 English-speaking people and our couple, and our guide was Mr.Andre Vidal. We left the tourist office in front of Sao Bento Station in a van at 7:45 in the morning. After passing through the city, we entered the highway and Andre-san explained the surrounding scenery. We arrived at the toilet rest area without stopping at the border control between Portugal and Spain, but since no one asked to use the toilet, we went straight to Santiago de Compostela and arrived there after 10:00 (after 11:00 local time), where we were given pamphlets about Santiago de Compostela and were free to do as we pleased until lunch. Since we had made a reservation in advance, we visited the Portico of Glory and the museum. From 12:00 (13:00 local time), we had lunch with the participants at a nearby restaurant.The menu was luxurious, ranging from soup to several types of pasta , dessert and coffee. We asked the participants how to get to the statue of St. James, which we were unable to see in the morning, but it seemed that no one had been there, so our guide Andre-san took us to the statue's entrance inside the cathedral during our free time in the afternoon. We left for home at 2pm (3pm local time). On the way, we took a 40-minute break in Valença do Minho, where there is an old castle, and arrived in Porto around 6pm. We are very grateful to our guide Andre-san for his kindness. We also thank all the participants for a fun time.
Amazing but short
Tour guide Tiago was good and very knowledgeable about the history and art. However not enough time felt rushed. Should have booked without the lunch so that I would have had more time to enjoy the scenery and sites and just grab food at my leisure. Tiago the driver was a good driver as well we felt safe. Wasn’t aware that some of the shops and the university closes at a certain time 2pm and reopens at 5 and so we did not get to go inside the university had we known and did not close the lunch we could have better prepared to be able to see and enjoy everything.
Very Educational
Both Tiago the driver and tour guide were professional. Tiago ( tour guide) provided an abundance of history. Thanks for an amazing experience and the lunch was delicious. I recommend the tour.
Michele P.
Santiago de Compostela and Valença Fortress
Paul tour guide is an excellent professional, very helpful during all the tour.
excellent tour
Paul tour guide was excellent in every wat]y
Paul the tour guide was excellent; knowledgeable and informative. Very good English; answered all questions and very helpful. A delightful tour
Very good and interesting experience
Very good and interesting experience
Ioannis Bardanis
Santiago de Compostela Tour with visit to Valença Fortress
Very nice guide and excellent programming.
Fabienne Salimi
Cristian e Manuel são nota 10
Adorei o passeio. Manuel nos conduziu com segurança e Cristian conhece muito bem a história do local. De forma criativa, eficiente e bem humorada nos envolveu na história do local. Estou agradecida.
Adorei o passeio. O Guia Cristian e o motorista Manuel foram muito solícitos. Cristian conhece muito bem a história e soube nos envolver nesse passeio muito bem, com muito bom humor. Fiquei muito feliz e agradecida!!!
Amei o passeio. Experiência őtima. O nosso Guia, Cristian e o motorista Manuel são muito solícitos. Cristian conhece muito a história e sabe nos envolver no passeio de forma competente e divertida. Obrigada
Great trip to Santiago de Compostela and Valenca. Daniel was great. The tapas restaurant was lovely
Ótimo passeio
Com o guia Paulo e o motorista Manuel, tivemos um ótimo passeio para Santiago de Compostela. Foi tranquilo, aprazível e instrutivo. Gostamos muito e certamente recomendaremos a outras pessoas.
Excellent guide and safe driver
It rained hard and we all got wet, but still an amazing experience. Great guide- Andre, and very informative. Manuel, our excellent driver, made sure we got to our destination and back safely and smoothly.
Andre and Manuel : Day tour to Camino Compostela De Santiago
Andre was an excellent guide, knowledgeable and attentive. Very informative tour. Amazing driver -Manuel. It was a rainy day and we all got soaked but still an overall very good experience.
 2023年8月20日に日本からサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラへのツアーに参加した。  ポルトガル国内の旅行だったのだが、キリスト教の三大聖地とされているサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラにもぜひ行きたいと思った。調べてみたところ、列車やバスなどの公共交通機関で行くと乗り継ぎなどで無駄な時間が多くなってしまうことから、ツアーで行くことが現実的であることがわかった。インターネット上でツアー会社を検索すると、「Living Tours」が見つかり、公式ウェブサイトで申し込んだ。日本では聞いたことがない会社だったが、レビューが多数掲載されており、オフィスの所在地をGoogleストリートビューで確認したら、ビルには会社名が表示されていて、会社との関係が不明であるものの、オフィス前に数台の観光バスが停まっていたので、詐欺サイトの可能性は低いと判断した。申し込み後にメールで問い合わせたが、丁寧な回答が迅速に返ってきたことから、詐欺の疑いはほぼなくなった。ウェブサイト上に記載がなかった現地の到着時刻、当日の申し込み人数などについてメールで問い合わせたら、すぐに回答が来てよかった。  当日は7時半にポルトのサン・ベント駅すぐ近くのリビングツアーのオフィスに集合することになっていたので、ホテルからタクシーで向かった。宿泊ホテルに迎えに来ていただけるオプションもあるが、私たちはオプションを申し込まず、タクシーで向かった。  オフィスの受付カウンターで名前を伝えると、1と表示された番号札が渡され、「オフィス前でお待ちください。1番でお呼びします。」と言われた。これから出発するツアーの内容と出発時間の一覧がオフィス内のディスプレイに表示されていた。なるほど、同じ時間や近接した時間に出発するツアーもあるので、間違えることがないよう、各ツアーに番号が付されていて、その番号で呼ばれるとのことだった。我々のサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラへのツアーは最も早く出発するツアーのようで、1番の番号が付されていた。空港の出発便を表示するディスプレイ並みに当日に催行されるツアーが多数あり、驚いた。詐欺会社ではなく、大きく立派な会社だということがわかった。  オフィス前で待っていると、ワンボックス車が来て、降りてきた運転手さんが「1番!1番!」と言った。集まったのはフランスから4名、オーストラリアから2名、私たち日本から2名の計8名だった。運転手さんは自己紹介され、自身が当日のガイドを務めることが伝えられ、行先がサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラと確認され、9人乗りのワンボックス車は満席となって出発した。ガイドさんはANDREさんだったと思う。  車が出発するとすぐに当日の予定について説明を受けた。その後、ポルトガルとスペインのガリシアの歴史について説明を受けた。途中でポルトガルからスペインへ国境を越える際に時刻が変わるので、時計の時間を調整するよう丁寧に教えていただいた。サービスエリアでトイレ休憩が一度あったときに、サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラの観光地図をいただいた。地図にはガイドさんの名前と電話番号と帰りの集合場所が記入されていた。11時過ぎに車はサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラに到着した。集合時間は15時と言われ、希望者は一緒にランチに行きましょうとも言われたが、私たちは予定があったので、残念ながらお断りし、集合時間まで別行動となった。  私たちは12時からの大聖堂のミサに参加するためにサンティアゴ大聖堂にすぐに入った。とても感動して貴重な経験となった。ミサの後は、日本から大聖堂のサイトで申し込んでおいた13時からの大屋根を歩くツアーに参加した。時計塔やボタフメイロを吊るす滑車を間近で見られて、これも大変貴重な経験となった。これで集合時間の直前になってしまったのだが、まだランチをしていなかった。大急ぎでバルに行って、スプライト1杯とタパスを2つを流し込んで帰ろうとしたら、バルに警察官が4人入ってきた。バル内でスリがあったらしい。やはりスペインだ。  15時ちょうどころに集合場所に行ったら、他の7人はすでに集まっていた。「日本の友だちの2人はランチを楽しめたかな?」とガイドさんから訊かれたが、「全然楽しめなかった!」と答えた。ランチは楽しんでないけど、他は全力で楽しんだから大満足だ。  帰りにポルトガルとスペインの国境にある城跡で休憩した。かなり緊張した地域であった歴史の説明を受けて、かつて使っていたイミグレーション跡を車で立ち寄ってくれた。  帰りの車内ではほぼすべての参加者は寝ていて、ガイドさんはほぼ話すことはなかった。ありがとう!車が出発地のポルト市に入ったら、ポルトのオススメ観光スポットとグルメスポットを教えてくれた。  結論として、Living Toursはおすすめできるツアー会社です。ガイドさんはフランス語と英語で話しましたが、英語がわからなくても問題ありません。片言であっても、ガイドさんはしっかり聞いて、ゆっくり話してくれるし、まったく英語を話せなくてもGoogle翻訳があります。英語がまったくわからなくても問題なし。英語に自信がないという理由で参加しないと後悔しますよ。どんどん行動しよう!
Wonderful excursion!
Our guide,Martin was very kind and gave us perfect explanation during the tour. And also I liked the music in the car. Highly recommended.
Ai Tanaka
Passeio à Santiago
Passeio Fantástico, o motorista João que nos levou foi muito prestativo e educado , o almoço de tapas foi bom , o vinho também, recomendo
Leonice Stefanin
Amazing day!
On our tour, Thiago was the best guide ever! Not only did he provide excellent and interesting information throughout the whole trip, but he helped us out a lot and we had the opportunity to do way more than what we thought. This day trip is definitely worth the money and we would recommend it to anyone looking to see amazing views and historical towns!
Caitlin E
Tour de Santiago de Compostela
Excelente viaje y guía, Martin, con tiempo suficiente para recorrer Santiago y Migno.
Raul Baez
Zu empfehlen
Es war ein netter und bequemer Trip mit einem Kleinbus. Unser Guid Valdemar war sehr freundlich und hatte sehr viele Infos für uns bereit. Er ging auf die Bedürfnisse der Gruppe ein und machte den Tag sehr angenehm. Die Stadt ist wirklich einen Besuch wert!
A must when in Porto
Had a great day in Santiago de Compostela. Even if you’re not religious it’s worth visiting. Lunch is included and is a typical Galician lunch you have time to visit the cathedral and museum and after lunch visit the trinket shops. We visited the fort at Valença on the way back and had 45 mins there. Valdemar looked after us and we had a great day out seeing something a little bit different.
Marc Richards
Fantastic Tour
We loved our tour to Santiago de Compostela with Manuel as our driver (very safe & smooth) and Cristian as our guide. Cristian was very knowledgeable about Portugal, Spain and Santiago in particular. He was amazing in that he gave the tour in English and Spanish for those guests. Very impressive. We opted for the hotel pickup - and Cristian was even worries about being left behind. We also took the lunch option and enjoyed a delicious meal in Santiago at the A Lareira! Our day tour was the best!!
Tour Santiago de Compostela
Very good trip. Our Guide: Tiago. He knows everything so he told us much with a Smill. He has a good view about te group. So he make the trip nice. The freetime in Santiago en the Fortezza was good. Also the lunch was nice.
Ineke de Jongh
Santiago visit
Excellent one day trip with a knowledgeable guide Paul. One of the best days overall in Portugal.
Vanja Pejic
Great Tour
Our tour guide, Pedro was very knowledgeable and kept us well informed of Compostela’s history. Very pleasant and conversant with a wide range of topics. The free time allotted to visit Compostela was sufficient to see the whole place. Bonus was the stop over at a quaint town on Valenca. I would recommend highly recommend this trip.
Visita a Santiago
Muy linda visita a Santiago de Compostela. Muchas gracias André por por hacernos conocer la ciudad y sus hermos paisajes y monumentos
Juan Carlos Vallejos
Highly recommend a day in Santiago de Compostello
Christian was our guide on this lovely tour from Porto into Spain. We enjoyed the history and the legends of this region. We were in the Basilica as they had mass for the pilgrims. It was very moving. There was adequate free time and a delicious lunch. I can’t say enough about Christian . He was very knowledgeable, easy to talk with, and he demonstrated a great concern for each of the guests. He delivered the commentary in both Portuguese and English. I’ve never missed a beat. He is also an excellent driver. We thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Cathy Hester
Muito bom!
Muita informação interessante e lugares históricos durante a visita. O trajeto de carro é um pouco longo, mas a paisagem e a abordagem histórica do guia compensa todo o trajeto. É uma boa oportunidade para quem está em Porto e possui disponibilidade para explorar a região norte da península ibérica. Recomendo!
The best day experience
Our guide David was super helpful and full of interesting facts. The service from beginning to end was very comfortable. The trip to Santiago was smooth and the city a true wonder. I enjoy quite a lot!
God experience
The driver Tiago Was amazing in everything;beautiful experice.
Vincenzo D'amelio
We had an incredible day it was really good and the lunch was amazing, our guide Martin was the best!
Karla Cisneros
A day in Santiago
It was a great day trip. We were a small group of 4. Our guide Daniel Mota was really nice and they spoke in English and Portuguese. He told us so many things about the history of Santiago. I recommend everyone to take this excursion.
Super visite avec André Vidal (notre guide)
Super visite à Santiago ! Guide au top, qui met tout de suite à l’aise, très sympathique et jovial ! Merci à lui!
Great tour - highly recommended
Our driver/tour guide Antonio welcomed us in his very comfortable minivan. We shared it with four people from the USA. On the way to Santiago Antonio shared lots of info and interesting stories with us. When arriving at this famous spot we had plenty of time to stroll around and explore the place and the cathedral on our own which we highly appreciated. So we could feel the atmosphere of this very special place not being pushed forward by the guide. The huge place in front of the cathedral, the cathedral itself and the small lanes were not crowded, because there aren’t so many people there at this time of the year. We wouldn’t like to be there at high season. The meal in the local restaurant COTOLAY was good. We were offered a kind of cabbage soup followed by a variety of tapas and an almond cake. All drinks (wine and coffee) included. On the way back to Porto we stopped at Valenca, a place famous for its star shaped surrounding walls and all kinds of cloths. Valenca is also a stop for people who do the Coastal Camino starting from Porto.. In summary it can be said that we really had a great tour with lots of bright sunshine the whole day. (April 1, 2022)
Margit from Austria
Excellent day tour
I have to say that our day tour to Santiago exceeded all our expectations. Comfortable minibus, right on time, fantastic lunch, free time to explore Santiago and Valenca. Our guide/driver Nuno shared with us a lot of interesting and valuable information during the trip. Nuno is a great guide, very professional, friendly and always available. Thank you Nuno! We enjoyed a lot our trip and we recommend it. Adrian and Carmen
Great guide, disappointing tour
Our tour guide, Paula, was only good thing about this tour. The stars are all for her. She shared a ton of information. However, the cathedral in Santiago is under renovation - as in scaffolding over everything. There is nothing to see. They should not even be running this tour until it’s finished or at least give a very clear disclaimer. I felt cheated. To make it worse, it was a local holiday in town we stopped at on the way back - nothing was open. The place was a ghost town. Total waste of time. We would have been better off driving straight back to Porto.
Bob McKague
Highly recommended
We were a family of 7 traveling together -- ages 6 to 70. Ricardo's tour was great! He is full of information and stories, was accommodating and professional, and frankly, was just a nice guy. He made it a great day/experience. We highly recommend his tour.
Sid Espinosa
Fantastic day tour
We had an excellent day with Ricardo as our driver/guide. Very helpful and informative. We thoroughly enjoyed the time with this tour.
Andrew Yu
Whirlwind trip to Santiago de Compostela
The transportation van was very comfortable. I was allowed to sit up front due to car sickness. Other livingtour guide moved to the back. (I don’t know why there were two guides. The diver did all the talking. She was clear with English translation. The time in the city was quick but it was raining. The lunch was outstanding. Plenty of courses kept coming and water wine were flowing. It’s well worth the trip. The added stop in a medieval fortress was perfect. I would recommend the tour to get a taste of Santiago de Compostela
Geraldine Escott
Wonderful experience in Santiago de Compestella and Valenca
Our guide, Annabelle, was very knowledgable and made our tour very enjoyable. She did so with humor and interest in our questions and comments.
David and Betty Ferner
Gonsalo, thank you for showing me around Santiago de Compostela tour
It was a great trip and I wish it lasted longer. I am looking forward to seeing you again. I'll teach you more Japanese. Thank you so much! Yuko Kurishiba from JAPAN
Yuko Kurishiba
Daniel was our diver/guide and I wish to commend him highly for making the trip such a pleasure.
My wife and I took the day trip from porto to Santiago. Daniel was our diver/guide and I wish to commend him highly for making the trip such a pleasure. he was very well informed, had a good sense of humor, and spoke excellent English. we also enjoyed a lunch that far exceeded our expectations.
Great trip
We enjoyed the day trip to Santiago de Compostela with Livingtours Porto. Our driver Andre was an excellent guide as well, really professional. It was a short stopover in Valenca on the way. The cathedral in Santiago is great. Many thanks to Andre and the travel agency.
Laurian Popescu
We had an exceptional experience to Santiago and the city of Valenca today.
Our guide Ricardo was enthusiastic, had a wide range of knowledge about the places we went and was helpful and made the tour very enjoyable and informative. Would definitely use Living Tours again!
Georgette Bakas
Santiago de Compostela and Valença do Minho Day Trip from Porto with Lunch
Customer service/Hospitality 5/5 Transport 5/5 Time of tour/Punctuality 5/5 Tour guide: Nuno Pires EXCELLENT!!! Value for money/Quality 5/5 Lunch 5/5 Anyway, the tour was made excellent because of our friendly, professional and approachable guide Nuno Pires. Excellent work! Keep it up!
Tristan Santos
Santiago de Compostela
My friends and I took a day trip to Santiago de Compostela. Despite the rainy weather, we had a great time! The guide, Paula, was great - perfect English and very knowledgeable about everything. Our travelling companions were also very nice people and we enjoyed our time together.
Felicidade Van Acker
Excellent tour and thanks to Goncalo, a professional and friendly tour guide!!
I participated in a day trip to Santiago de Compostela by myself. The total number of participants were 8 and all were Japanese. The tour was fantastic! The cozy small group format (8 people in a mini-van) allowed all participants to enjoy detailed face-to-face guidance by the guide. And it was so convenient that the mini-van picked each participant at the hotel lobby in the early morning. Our guide Goncalo was so perfect! He was quite knowledgeable, friendly, punctual and professional. During the ride to Santiago, he gave us a lot of information including historical and cultural background of Portugal and Santiago de Compostela, also he played Fado of Amalia Rodrigues on CD during the drive that made me fall in love with Amalia Rodrigues! He was with us even at lunch time enjoying wonderful conversation with our 8 Japanese participants. Many thanks to Goncalo and would highly recommend wonderful Living Tours! Tokyo, Japan
Great day trip to Santiago de Compostela!
We took a day trip to Santiago de Compostela today and despite the rainy weather, we had a great time! The guide, Bernardo was great - very knowledgeable about history, Portugal, and to complete the trip he gave us many tips to enjoy Porto.
Tania Ferreira
Amazing tour today from Porto to Santiago de Compostela
We had an amazing tour today from Porto to Santiago de Compostela, stopping at Valença do Minho..Nuno, our tour guide was just fantastic, so knowledgeable, great personality...we learned at lot and had a great meal too. Would highly recommend this tour!!!
Marisol Velazquez-Evans
Thanks for the tour André!
An illuminating day, so much to absorb, thankfully there was no test at the end. Cheers.
Rebecca Andrews
Superb service!
Just came back from an excursion with Tiago Santos to Santiago. Superb service! He is very knowledgeable and helpful. Trip was great thanks to him! Lunch impeccable! Tiago even suggested restaurants and activities to do in porto. Highly recommended!!
Mark Vella Fenech
In short well worth the time and money
One Day Tour to Santiago de Compostela from Porto (Burial Place of Saint James the Greater & destination of a pilgrimage walk). Living Tours in Porto, Portugal Sept. 7, 2018 Friday • Picked up at NH Hotel @ 7:45AM. Mercedes Mini-Van 8 adults (6 from Brazil & we were 2 from USA). We were offered a discount the total was 115 euros / person. Arrived at Valenca do Minho (Portugal side of the border with Spain) @ 9:30AM. 30 minutes for this stop to use public restrooms & peruse shops. Small walking town with ancient Fortress. On to Spain: the van had electronic toll pass for toll roads in Portugal & Spain. With this system no need to slow when entering or leaving toll roads. Manuel repeated all conversation in English for us, he was knowledgeable about the countryside we passed thru, he also answered any questions we had. Arrived in Santiago 12:00 AM ST (Spanish time one hour ahead). Manuel had important tips about where and when to enter the Cathedral. A short walk to the Cathedral (however some stairs to climb). Lunch was provided at a small restaurant with excellent food & wine. The service was very attentive. This was a time saver as we did not have to spend time choosing a place for lunch. After lunch a couple of hours to see the Cathedral & see the town. We left the town at 5PM ST Spanish time and arrived back in Porto @ 6PM local time.
Richard Draper
Very well organised, with excellent guide, Nuno Pires
Very well organised, with excellent guide, Nuno Pires
Virginia De Klerk
Excellent guides
I have already done 3 trips with Living Tours and I will do some more in my next visit in May 2019! The guides are absolutely amazing and the trips planned in the smallest details !! Recommend the trips to Braga and Santiago !
We did enjoyed this tour & have had a ?good trip out
Though it was a wet & rainy trip. We did see what we were written in your programme. Only regret That @ Santiago de Composta the Cathedral is under renovations. Other wise that long drive is worth trip to carried out.
Desmond Chiang
Tiago was a knowledgeable guide and offered much to enhance the experience
We would agree with Desmond's comments. The wet weather dampened our experience yet the drive was worth it. Tiago was a knowledgeable guide and offered much to enhance the experience. And meeting the other travelers was great as we met several at other places along our way. It almost goes without saying that more time would have been nice yet the day was long enough as it was. We simply needed to plan to stay ourselves. Full marks for the day!
Keith Brooks
Santiago de Compostela
Gonzalo knows a lot of the history of Portugal which was helpful for us. He answered questions we had, he is a very polite and nice tour guide. My husband and I liked that we were allowed time on our own to explore the area. We also had a nice lunch which gave us time instead of rushing us through. He gave very good instructions on meeting times and location. We had a pleasant day with him. Thank you!
Aurora Brown
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Your privacy

This tool allows you to enable or disable various types of cookies on the site. You can browse through the various cookie groups and enable or disable each group individually. For more information on how we use our cookies, see also our privacy policy This tool allows you to enable or disable various types of cookies on the site. On the left, you can browse through the various cookie groups and enable or disable each group individually. For more information on how we use our cookies, see also our privacy policy

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